The library has research guides available to help students learn about library resources and services, learn about information literacy and other special topics, find sources for specific subjects, and learn about finding information for specific Heartland courses.
Visit Heartland Community College Library Research Guides to browse for a research guide or locate one by subject or class.
Reach out and contact us, or learn about the ways a librarian can help you with your research, on the Ask a Librarian tab.
The Heartland Community College Library provides research services and resources in-person and remotely. Review sections below to learn about accessing databases to search for articles, books, and media.
The library website at also contains links and information about library services and supports that are available to students, as well as links to access the library catalog and databases.
Please make sure you are logged into your myHeartland account to access online resources.
Article Databases
On the research page of the library website, you can find a list of databases the library has available for research. Choose Article Databases for a list of the databases available, and then select the database you wish to search.
Searching tips:
This video provides information on searching I-Share, the library's online searchable catalog, for academic articles. Other videos on database searching can be found in this playlist.
To search for books, use I-Share, the library's catalog. You can also utilize WorldCat if you are unable to locate your item there. More information about borrowing books can be found under the Borrowing Items tab on the left-hand side menu.
Use WorldCat when you are unable find materials in the I-Share / HCC Library Catalog. Arrival time varies. Contact the library to renew items.
Searchable e-book collection for health science subjects, including medicine, nursing, and allied health.
Streaming Media
The library also offers streaming media databases with access to full length films, short videos, and documentaries. For a full list of all categories of streaming media databases, visit the Research page on the library website.
Comprehensive collection of educational videos, documentaries, and films about a variety of subjects.
Full length movies, documentaries, classic cinema, and independent films from around the world including the Criterion Collection.