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Updates for Faculty - Spring 2025

International Program Updates

International Program’s Office updates:  

The International Programs Office and the Global Education Committee is excited to announce several upcoming global education opportunities.  


Southeast Asia Cultural Festival (April 1-5, 2025) 

Through grants from Indiana University and LASS, and in collaboration with ISU, we are hosting our third annual cultural festival, and this year, we will be focusing on southeast Asia. For our major features this year, we will have the following:  

  • Peoria Muay Thai boxing demonstration & workshop  

  • Keynote presentation by Dr. Mai Nguyen Lisovich from Van Lang University, Vietnam  

  • Dr. Katherine L. Bruhn presentation on “Global Art and Visual Culture in Indonesia” 

  • Robby Anggriawan presentation on “Playful Learning: Discovering Indonesian Culture through Traditional Games and Batik Art” 

  • Dr. Wayne Bass facilitates a discussion with Theravada Buddhist monk Bhante Rahula  

  • A guided meditation with Bhante Rahula 


Faculty Academy III: Internationalizing Your Curriculum 

This workshop will help you highlight the parts of your curriculum that can facilitate cross-cultural interactions and promote students' global understanding. Internationalization does NOT require holistic course revisions but can also be accomplished with short and targeted interventions, which can explore and foster critical thinking and diversity throughout the college. 

  • This FAIII will be facilitated by Wayne Bass on Mondays (2/24, 3/10, 3/24, 4/7) from 2-3pm on Zoom. Please register at  


International Professional Development 

This year will have two site visits, which are intended to introduce faculty and staff to a program so that they will be better able to promote the program to students through first-hand experience. If you have any questions or would like to participate, please contact Zach Petrea, Study Abroad Coordinator:  

  • Asahikawa, Japan (May 17 - 24)  

  • Renewable energy & regenerative agriculture site visit 

  • Dijon, France (June 29 – July 7)  

  • General humanities site visit  

  • Toronto, Canada (July 20 - August 2) 

  • This is a professional development program open to faculty and administrators at academic institutions who want to integrate Indigenous knowledge and practices into education and engagement, and understand the relevant history of colonialism in higher education and its legacy in the present day.