Tutoring Services
We in Tutoring Services look forward to helping you and your students this semester!
We have 3 spaces on campus that are open to support your students this semester! You can find us in SCB 1300, our Main Tutoring Center located in the library, and you can find us in ICN 1004, the Math Success Center.
You can also find us in ICB 2705, our Writing Center Space. We are excited to reopen our ICB 2705 Writing Center Week 1 this semester. Keep in mind, we are just opening so the dust is still settling, and improvements will happen throughout the semester. One of the biggest updates to keep in mind is we will be collaborating with writing faculty again. Later in the semester, writing faculty will be supplementing our schedule in our ICB Writing Center Space
As if three locations on campus weren’t enough, don’t forget about our Virtual Help lab. Students can drop in with quick questions, without having to drive to campus! Students can also book appts online, but this is not required to stop in. Simply go to our website and click the image at the top of our page. www.heartland.edu/tutoring
Embedded Tutoring Update (SEM Goals 8/9.1 & 10.1)
We have tutors currently embedded in 35 courses this Spring.
Staffing was prioritized first for High-risk gateway courses and DEV ED courses, this is our connection to SEM Goals 8/9.1 and 10.1).
If you are teaching a dev ed class, or a gateway course and would still like to have an embedded tutor please reach out! Alternatively, if you aren’t teaching one of those classes but instead have a difficult assignment or test, let's talk about a short-term embedded tutor assignment more! Just reach out!