Once you request item(s), you will receive an email that your item(s) are available for in-person pickup. Items available in HCC's library collection will be available for pickup sooner than those being ordered via interlibrary loan from other libraries. Requests for books from other libraries may take around a week to receive.
Pontiac and Lincoln:
Items can also be shipped to the Lincoln and Pontiac campuses. Make sure to specify Pontiac or Lincoln as your preferred local pickup location when requesting in I-Share.
When items are available, they will be placed in a closed envelope marked with the patron's last name. These envelopes are placed on a table outside the entrance to the library, located in the Student Commons Building.
Students can check out materials with their student ID. Students can utilize I-Share (the library's catalog) to search and request books. I-Share is an online searchable system. Students can borrow items from the Heartland Community College library and can also request items from other academic libraries in Illinois. If the resource you are looking for is not available in I-Share, you can also search WorldCat.
Use WorldCat when you are unable find materials in the I-Share / HCC Library Catalog. Arrival time varies. Contact the library to renew items.
If you are starting on the library's website, go to the Research tab, and then choose Books & Media. Next, choose I-Share to begin your search.
Learn how to use I-Share to locate items via the videos linked below.
*If you locate an article which requires payment to access, contact the library to see if we are able to obtain it for free and provide it to you.
Learn how to request books from I-Share with this video or by visiting the guide at this link:
The video below explains how to check your account and how to renew your items online.