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Updates for Faculty - Spring 2025

Project Rise Updates

project rise icon

Project RISE, funded by a TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) grant, helps students stay in school, graduate, and successfully transfer. Students must meet one of the following requirements in order to be a part of Project RISE:  

  1. First Generation student (neither parent has earned a bachelor’s degree);  

  1. low income; or,  

  1. has a documented disability in Student Access and Accommodation Services (SAAS).  

Services include peer mentorship, workshops, cultural events, college visits, grade monitoring, school supplies, monthly staff appointments, career services, additional math support, and more. We are continually looking for students to apply and appreciate student referrals. Applications can be found here, or at the Project RISE website.  Here’s what our students have to say: #trioworks! 

We Moved!  Project RISE is now located in WDC 1223 (next door to Student Engagement & International Programs. Stop by any time for a visit!  

Spring 2025 Kickoff: 

Feel free to stop WDC 1223 on January 10th from 10-2 for our Spring Semester Kickoff event.  Students will have the opportunity to meet other Project RISE students, as well as faculty/staff members, while they pick up some school supplies and enjoy some treats.  

Classroom Visits:  

We are continually encouraging students to join Project RISE, please reach out to Michelle Baldwin if you would be open to a classroom visit (approximately 5 minutes) from a Project RISE staff member to help make students aware of the services available to them through Project RISE.   

Project RISE Staff:  


* Visit our website for more information on spring events and Project RISE (TRIO) services.  

Social Media: 

Facebook: Heartland Community College Project RISE 

Instagram:  @projectrisehcc