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Alma Fulfillment

Logging In and Locations

  1. Using an internet web browser, navigate to Alma at   *If you wish to bookmark this page, you will need to manually enter this link into the bookmark*
  2. You will be automatically logged in from an on campus computer or asked for you HCC login information if you are off campus.

    Upon login, a popup may appear asking you to choose the desk or department from which you are working. If this happens, continue to step 3. If no popup appears, skip ahead to step 6.

  3. Click on the drop-down arrow.
    An image of the "please choose your current desk/department" box
  4. Select the appropriate desk/department from the drop-down list. Please note that this image is for training purposes only. Your institution's selections will be different.
    An image of the "please choose your current desk/department" box with the drop-down menu open
  5. Once you have chosen your desk/department, click on the "Select" button.
    An image of the "please choose your current desk/department" box with the main circulation desk selected and the "select" button highlighted
  6. Desks/departments are also known as locations. If you want to verify or change which location you are logged into, look in the upper right hand corner. If the task bar looks like
    1. this: An image of the icons in the upper right of the Alma screen. proceed to step 7.
    2. this: An alternative image of the icons in the upper right side of the Alma screen proceed to step 8.
  7. To verify which location you are logged into, hover your pointer over the location icon in the upper right of the screen. A temporary pop-up should appear displaying your current location.
    An image of the upper right side of the main Alma screen with the location icon highlighted
  8. To toggle between An image of the icons in the upper right of the Alma screen. and An alternative image of the icons in the upper right side of the Alma screen, click on the location icon or statement to display a drop-down menu.
    An image of a portion of the main Alma screen with the location drop-down menu displayed
  9. Check or uncheck the "Always show current location" box.
    An image of the main Alma screen with the location drop-down deployed and the "Always show current location" option highlighted
  10. If the "Always show current location" box is checked, the task bar will look similar to An alternative image of the icons in the upper right side of the Alma screen. If it is unchecked, it will look like An image of the icons in the upper right of the Alma screen..
  11. If you would like to change your location, click on the location icon/statement and deploy the drop-down menu. Then to display the available location options, click on the drop-down arrow.
    An image of a portion of the Alma screen with the drop-down menu displayed and the drop-down arrow highlighted
    An image of a portion of the main Alma screen with the location drop downs deployed